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Monday, September 22, 2014

If I Could Frame Happiness...

If you asked me to put happiness in a frame, 
my finished project would look something like this:
There's no question that these two guys make me smile more on any given day
than any earthly reason you could suggest.
Of course, I can't frame salvation, 
but it must be said that any genuine happiness of the soul comes from knowing I am a child of God's, redeemed forever and being sanctified "until that day...". 
Aside from Jesus Christ and family,
there might not be anything which makes me happier than books.
I've made my peace with being a nerd, no big deal.
When I was a little girl, I remember being disciplined for reading too much,
having neglected chores all day, in bed, lost in the world of the 
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew...
While that luxury will have to be delayed another twenty years or so, 
to spend even an hour engrossed in someone's story, a theologian's thoughts, a counselor's teaching, the history of who we are, or a cleverly woven work of fiction 
is sure to leave me with a settled feeling of fulfillment.
Tonight, on our team's weekly personal development and training call,
a wise man made the comment that "leaders are readers". 
Here's a fact:
You will lead your children into something.
One day, your child will be old enough to assert his intelligent reason against your authority and argue for why he shouldn't be obliged to follow your leadership.
When that day arrives, will you have equipped yourself with wisdom, knowledge, humor, and skills to make a case
 for why you have chosen your specific path and tried to lead him in it?
While all of the books in the world can't simply transform us into excellent mothers,
there's a certain level of good sense in acknowledging that we have been given a monumental responsibility,
the conception, development, protection, and promotion of another human being's life!
Why take that on without arming yourself with the
companionship of a few trusted authors?
Why not sit down with a refreshing Herbalife tea and treat yourself to words of wisdom?
And really, why not escape occasionally from the world of "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" into the pleasant world of Mitford, or the human tragedies and triumphs of D-Day, the fantastical possibilities of time travel, or the soul comforts available in a good devotional?
Here's my current stack of happiness, 
deliberately supplied with multiple options to provide
 just the right volume to suit my mood.
How would you frame happiness?

Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, share photos of your happiness, and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can smile along with you!
Oh - and if you like this post, then go ahead and click on of the icons below to share it!

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