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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Community Circle

Tonight's post is, quite simply, an invitation.
If you've been reading this blog for over a week now, then it's just "high time" that you hear a few more details about what fuels me, the movement of moms idea, and the healthy active lifestyle network making such a profound impact on the world. When it comes down to the most simple form, we are a community. This community is fueled by Herbalife. Why? Because all of us have felt the tangible results of what excellent Herbalife nutrition has done for our lives. You've read my story, how I lost 42 pounds after having my son. Here's a little bit of documentation:

So yes, I love Herbalife products. For so many reasons. 
But I think what I love more is what Herbalife has become as it's members and staff  move into the future. In short, as Dr Richard Carmona (17th Surgeon General of the USA and former Army Special Forces team leader) says, we have the best distribution network for healthy living that could possibly exist! Not to mention, we provide an option for building an income simply by helping people solve their problems, whether financial or nutrition related. We offer the Gold Standard, meaning that every single thing you do has zero risk because we will give you a 100% money back guarantee! Why? What makes us go the proverbial extra mile in giving people a no risk option for getting healthy and/or earning money? What makes us special and effective enough to deliver healthy results to millions of people and have those results "stick"? 
Because we create communities!
This is the best way I've seen it described:

Now it's just time for you to find out where you fit (for now, it may change later...).
Are you a fan of our community here at M.O.M?
That's awesome, thank you for your encouragement!
Do you want to try some happy Herbalife tea, maybe get on a weight loss program, or gain some muscle tone and energy? Fantastic, email me at funfitnutrition@gmail.com and let's set up a free, no obligation wellness profile to see what's a good fit for you!
Do you want to be able to help others, be a leader (or participant!) in creating this amazing community,  and make some extra money to help out? I can't wait to share more! Tomorrow, Friday August 1, at 4 pm Pacific standard time, I will be hosting an Herbalife Opportunity Meeting via conference call! Super simple, just dial 559-726-0555, and when asked for your access code, enter 474173#. I will be waiting and ready to help you figure out if this is where you belong in the circle...
Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, document your own healthy active lifestyle decisions, and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can enjoy this community, wherever we fit!

Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position with a downline is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Real Life Connections

"What, Mom, you're trying to write a blog?
Doesn't me sitting on your lap sound like way more fun?!"
And Daddy just saved the blog by whisking Little Man off to the bathtub...
This is our reality, isn't, moms?
Just when we find a moment to accomplish something, and have our happy Herbalife tea to give us some extra energy, an adorable, toddler sized distraction finds its way into our laps and we fall victim to the urgency of the moment.
NOT to suggest that sitting with that toddler and playing isn't a huge part of our job description.
We all know it is.
And we also know that being irritated with our kiddo for distracting our Facebook scrolling reveals some level of selfishness which has to be addressed.
But, there are legitimate moments when Mommy has to say, "Not right now, Little Man"
and not be struck with guilt.
But that's not at all what I planned to blog about this evening!
Today, I got to make a face to face connection with one of my best mom friends!
Amazing, the incredible relief of knowing that she's tired, too, but committed to investing in her boys while loving me and mine at the same time.
The thrill of having someone to TALK to while pushing a swing,
the delight of just a good friend's company.
That was worth going out even if I am sick. Some things are always worth it.
Please know, I am so blessed by starting to make virtual connections.
Huge "shout out" to Ely, Desiree, and Jenny by the way for your encouragements!
It's quite fun to have some ladies catching hold of our movement of moms.
Ideally, then, we will all be part of a virtual community which really does provide a boost to our days and momentum to our lives.
Let's not forget, though, the power of a hug and a smile.
I know, I just went way over on my "cheese-factor" allowance.
But really, as much as I would love to, I can't reach through my computer and hug you.
What I hope I can do, though, is make you smile and go find someone to hug...
Make real life connections, knowing that you have someone
 investing time each night from her computer
 to reassure you that she's on the process to becoming a healthy active mom
 and you can too!
We can do this together.
We can be connected, and create a little hub of "connectedness" around each one of us.
 Virtual communities are only as impactful as their potential when they give you the power to bring people close enough to you to hug.
Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, document your own healthy decisions and hugs, and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can support your connections!
Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position with a downline is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Strep throat

Yup, once a year I get strep throat. 
(See, Herbalife doesn't claim to prevent, cure, or treat any disease...)
 It literally used to either ruin my week, as in the time I had it while in Albania trying to teach ESL classes, or actually lift my spirits a little because it meant I couldn't go in to work. Oh dear, even writing that feels embarrassing, let alone thinking about you all reading it... 
Regardless, some days just force me to look back and think about the way things used to be. 
I really loved the idea of being a nurse, and many days I did love the job. 
Upon reflection, I have to ask what was going on in my heart and situation
 that would make strep throat feel like a relief!
Fortunately, we (the leadership of the movement of moms) have been reading an incredible book that has helped lend some insight.
Before I continue, please note that ultimately dissatisfaction with circumstances is linked to dissatisfaction with God, and if you have questions about that send me an email- funfitnutriton@gmail.com. 
Once that is in place, then the book Tribal Leadership can be marvelously helpful! 
Basically, when applied to my situation, I was stuck believing, "I'm great it's just that the system is designed for nurses to be overworked and under appreciated!" 
I really saw no way out of the cycle of stress except to get sick for a few days!
Now, why do I share this particular story with you?
Because as moms I think we may have all felt something similar!
"If I could just fix the system so that I get recognized for my sacrifices and acknowledged for my selflessness then I could really enjoy this a lot more!" 
Here, again, is where the movement of moms offers a solution. 
You see, the way out of that "stuck-ness" is actually dropping the "I'm great if only they would see it!" mindset and adopting the language of, "We're great and what we are doing is bigger than what I could ever do alone!"
This is why I wear a goofy button around that says, "Lose weight now Ask me how".
Because I am part of a "we"- and we believe we can help the WORLD through excellent nutrition. 
What if every mom reading this blog not only made one healthy decision daily, but shared that opportunity with a friend? We could change the world!
 And I mean literally.
Right now, I know that some of you reading this are from Poland, Jordan, South Africa, Ireland, Canada... Google stats are so cool! Each one of you, not just those of us in the USA, can have a healthy Formula 1 shake every morning and be excited about how that makes us feel.
And when we share that as a team, our movement begins to help us forget that our little ones didn't stop and thank us today for mopping the floor or doing the laundry. In fact, a team this motivated could maybe even help us overlook that those same little ones walked on that newly mopped floor with muddy shoes after wearing their newly clean clothes into the mud!

Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, document your own healthy decisions and friends, and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can change the world together!
Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position with a downline is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Each of us needs all of us

Some evenings it just hits me.
I have been given one of the most amazing privileges anyone can receive:
Training in wisdom.
I've heard it said, "Aging is mandatory. Maturing is optional."
We must choose, as moms, to continue to become better. Otherwise, we just get older, and we all know that aging does little in itself to improve our lives...
Tonight my inspiration doesn't come from a mom.
It comes from a man;
A man who has given more moms the opportunity to become better than almost anyone I know.
Thank you, Uncle Denny, for believing that I could grow;
Thank you for speaking words of wisdom which capture what the
movement of moms is really doing!
As part of Team Herbalife, this mama gets to "attend" world class trainings on the phone,
from the park...
Hangin out with my Little Man...
Here's a glimpse of what I learned this evening, along with what it means for our movment.
1. Be yourself - no one else is you, and you have something
valid, unique, even critical to offer others.
I'm grateful for what 2 other moms in the movement taught me this week via Instagram: Amazon Instant Video has workouts (wow!), and kids can choose radishes (bigger wow!).
If those 2 special moms had only done things the way I do, I wouldn't know either of those helpful tidbits. Small example, but you get the idea.
2. Do your best - You know that feeling of supreme satisfaction (and perhaps exhaustion) when you get in bed after having really, I mean really cleaned the house?
Did you know that you can have that same feeling from just making one healthy decision daily for a week? (It's also less exhausting, by the way!)
I'm not saying that you have to train for a marathon by next Tuesday, or give up all candy, etc...
Just one decision daily.
As a mom, add "one healthy decision" to the top of your daily priority list. (Ahhh, the list!)
Do your best.
3. Don't compare! This gets all of us. We live in a Pinterest world. We see the fantastic ideas other moms have, the amazing projects they are creating, and we think, "I would be such a great mom if I could just figure out how to live like SHE does!"
Let's make the movement of moms DIFFERENT!
Instead of comparing, lets collaborate!
When you see a #movementofmoms, get excited that another mom, who you may not even know, just invited you to celebrate a moment of victory.
 She's not flashing her "awesomeness" in front of you to say, "I'm great!"
Every photo is a chance to declare, "We're great!" We're moms, and we love it, and we are in the trenches together, in social media spirit if not in body!
4. Choose the right friends. This is one of the primary motivators for the movment of moms. We all know how easy it is to fill our minds with excuses, and then to find the other negative voices out there to affirm our sub-par standards. I'm guilty of it, too.
But what if we each posted one photo tomorrow of a healthy active lifestyle decision with the #movementofmoms. Can you imagine how motivating it would be on Wednesday morning to wake up, search our tag, and see over 100 photos of other moms supporting each one of us?!
YOU are my right friends! I have chosen. Thank you!
5. Invest your life - Remember, other lives are the only thing that will really outlast you. And your most significant impact, of course, will be on those little lives given to your care.
Investing suggests putting a commodity into something that is intended to make that commodity grow over a period of time. (I'm no business wiz - for you business gals, is that about right?)
If so, then your life, moms, is a commodity. You are like gold. If you invest yourself into those little people, will the value of your life increase over time?
You can only answer "Yes" if you are actually living a valuable life right now.
So choose value.
Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, document your own healthy active moments of value and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can collaborate!
Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position with a downline is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

I want ice cream!

Oh, I want ice cream in such a bad way. 
And frankly, when you are following an Herbalife nutrition program, you don't have to worry so much that eating ice cream on a Saturday night is going to keep you out of your skinny jeans. In fact, I think it's safe to say that 
I typically eat ice cream EVERY Saturday night. 
So why do I not indulge tonight?
Isn't it interesting that healthy choices aren't always just about nutrition and activity?
Sometimes healthy living is about respecting your partner and 
prioritizing his needs above your own whims.
See this handsome man? He's the one usually enjoying Saturday evening ice cream with me.
Tomorrow, however, he has the honor of opening up God's Word for a congregation, a brief opportunity to preach with passion and clarity, 
accurately and carefully, in order to encourage us in the truth.
That doesn't just happen by sitting around eating ice cream.
Yes, Little Man is in bed and I could happily multitask by blogging AND eating ice cream while the Hubs studies...
But every mom has moments when she can make a choice to be about more than herself;
To be about more than her kids;
To be about her husband!
Would it ruin our relationship for me to relax and eat ice cream without him?
Goodness no.
Would it be an encouraging show of support to wait and enjoy a bowl after church together?
So tonight I'm making the healthy mom decision- 
I've decided to eat ice cream tomorrow!
How do you choose to encourage your husband at the cost of instant gratification? 

Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, document your own healthy delayed indulgences and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can enjoy together!
Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position with a downline is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Days I live for naptime

If you are a mom, then you already understand exactly what I mean by the title of this post.
Yes, I'm an aspiring healthy, active mom. But there are mornings when I just keep myself going with the mantra, "Four hours til naptime!"
And then when I literally step in poop before I've even been able to have
 my Formula 1 shake or Herbalife tea to fortify myself,
it just adds a sense of desperation to the day.
Actually, this morning began with the happy realization that I had slept in an hour later than normal and Little Man didn't seem bothered by it!
Greatly refreshed, I headed to his room without pausing to put on my glasses. First mistake.
Also no slippers. Most tragic mistake.
Outside of his door I did hear his typical morning jabbering, nothing to indicate that I should be on the lookout for trouble.
Upon entering his bedroom, I noticed the typical morning aromas... Drool, potty, and an odd whiff of stinky blueberries reminding me of what Little Man had eaten with dinner last night.
And then, the squish.
The startling realization that he was not wearing the diaper we certainly put on him last night.
The squinting gaze to check if that was really...
Yes, yes it was.
Poop, deposited neatly on his blanket.
His diaper, on the other side of the crib.
More poop, all over his hands. His feet. My feet. His sheet.
Smeared on his face.
And all smelling slightly of blueberries!
But I'm a mom, I can handle this!
"No problem, I'll just pick up him, wipe him down a little, throw him in the bath and the bedding in the washing machine.
Oh, let me get the diaper out of there. Perfect, no poop on the diaper!"
True, there was no poop in the diaper, but Little Man had deftly turned said diaper inside out, and I had just grabbed the potty filled inside of a diaper.
Needless to say, nap time came just a little earlier today.
So you see, healthy active mommies have poopy mornings like everyone else.
I recover with a prayer, a laugh, a shake and Herbalife tea.
What's your recovery?
Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, document your own healthy active recovery moments and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can learn together!
Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Paradox

"Something (such as a situation) that is made up of 2 opposite things and that seems impossible but is actually true or possible."
Who knew that such a pleasant family evening could spark a discussion with such deep and far reaching implications?
Don't worry, it's a happy story!
While driving home, I was discussing with The Hubs that we experienced a striking change of pace in our conversation while at the park.
It's simple, really, but seemed profound enough to wonder whether any of you have felt the same way.
Normally, I'm the over enthusiastic cheerleader in our life, and The Hubs is always having to help me be a bit more realistic. I've spent 5 years believing this simple misconception: "He just really needs to see more of my excitement, and then he won't have to worry for me anymore!"
The more I cheered, the more he felt the need to temper my excitement.
When I made a decision to stop cheerleading and simply start doing, it was actually the reality of hard work and my cautious attitude which gave him the freedom to imagine great things!
As we enjoyed this observation on our way home from the park, it triggered thoughts of where else this paradox might apply.
We all know (have been, at times?!) the wife who gets so frustrated by her husband because, well, he just won't make the decision we want him to!
We tried nagging, but to no avail. We thought we'd soften it up, and just try "suggesting". Even worse. But did we ever try just cheerfully doing what has been assigned to us, praising him for the things about him that bless us, and let him carry the burden of responsibility in his own way?
As women, our lives are full of paradox. Perhaps it's with our men.
Perhaps it's even more intimate, and part of our own bodies.
Not long ago, I experienced a miscarriage after 13 weeks of pregnancy. I knew, after an ultrasound, that my baby was gone and only pregnancy tissue remained in my womb. I was fully alive. But in me, there had been death. Yet I had to keep living. How does one reconcile that kind of grief, two opposite things that seem impossible but are actually painfully true?
Really, it's the same principle. Some things you must simply acknowledge as beautifully reconciled, even if you don't understand it.
My body was designed to redeem death by delivering a new life to heaven, and my husband was designed to lead if I would only follow.
So you see, healthy active moms have real struggles. Making the decision to seek community, fuel ourselves with good nutrition, and get active doesn't shield us from grief or pain.
But perhaps it will help us make sense of paradoxes.
Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, document your own healthy active lifestyle choices and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can learn together!
Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Today I invited my first stranger to read my blog... So, stranger from the park (whose name I very sadly don't remember!), here's a shout out to you if you are reading this - woo hoo!
What on earth could move a truly very naturally shy gal like me to talk with a woman I don't know, in the park, while she is putting shorts on her little man and mine is waiting in the stroller?
How could I overcome the fear of embarrassing myself, worry over inconveniencing her, or the urge to just be quiet and spend my evening in the park simply enjoying my family?
Bottom line, this is something I believe in!
(Excuse me for ending a sentence with a preposition... It just doesn't sound quite right to say, "This is something in which I believe!")
Moms deserve a community. True, for centuries, moms have managed without social media. And even in my own life, I've put off the Instagram "step" for years...
But consider - back in the day, moms lived in villages or tight knit neighborhoods. They chatted as they hung laundry together, commiserated over gardening, and got their exercise by chasing children around together.They had community.
As for my own hesitancy to become a social media regular, I simply can't support the idea that you really know me becuase you are my Facebook friend or follow me on Instagram. We tend to post the pretty moments, the perfect stories, 
the victories, the vacations, the celebrations, the sales pitches even...
But do we connect?
So here's another level to our movement.
Let's share the moments when we wear no makeup, the struggle overcome when we overslept and still got in a workout, the victory when our family ate pizza and we made the healthy decision to only have one slice - and boy did we enjoy it!
Do you see what I mean?
For example, I present for your consideration a selfie, planking...With an unhappy toddler totally photo-bombing me:
Now, once you can get past the slightly ridiculous scene of anyone taking a selfie while planking... (I promise that I only did it because I knew what I was blogging this evening!)
Take a moment to celebrate with me that I made it through a 14:02 minute abs/butt/thigh workout with Little Man pushing or pulling me the entire time saying, "Up, up, up!".
Thank you www.jessicasmith.tv for the workout, btw...
Now I realize that the picture looks like the poor guy is in fits. But I overslept this morning (as often happens), and had committed that I would complete this routine. I downed my Formula 1 Sport Chocolate shake for breakfast, had my Herbalife tea concentrate (raspberry!) for some energy, and got to it. When I started, he was calm as could be. When he realized that I was no longer playing with him, the spurts of small cries began.
And I ask you - what do you want your toddler to believe? That being with him every single waking moment is critical to his existence even if it means you never get a bit of exercise again, or that making positive choices to take care of Mommy's health is an importan part of family life and something that he can choose to support by being right there with you?
Because I promise you, the choices you make every day about a healthy active lifestyle will teach your children what to believe. Not only about your health and theirs, but about your role in thier lives on a much bigger scale.
I made a  choice - Little Man will see that I take care of myself
(and for pete's sake, it's only 14:02 anyway!),
and I will invite him to join the process of healthy living. I've been making this decision every week (note, not every day!) since he was 4 weeks old, and now one of his favorite toys is a 2 1/2 lb dumbbell!
Who knew that by simply toning my thighs I could be teaching life lessons to my toddler?
Join the movement of moms. Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, and tag your own healthy mama real life images with #movementofmoms.
Can't wait to connect over your moments!
Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

No progress without problems

What's the problem?
Normally, asking that question signals frustration, impatience, and probably anger. Lately I've been learning a fabulously more productive attitude for looking at problems.
Consider the last time that you noticed significant growth in your life. Behind the triumph, wasn't there a struggle, a weakness to conquer, a flaw to mend?
That's how my story goes...
April 1, 2012, wasn't my typical "Whoops, I forgot it's April Fool's day... Oh well" and move on kind of day. It was the day I had committed to getting in the best health of my life with an Herbalife nutrition program, and to getting out of student loan debt ASAP by starting a second job as a registry nurse.
AND, it was the day I noticed an obnoxious pain in my neck after a workout turn into something excruciating by the time I went to work at the hospital...
April 1, 2012, changed my life forever.
After 2 months of nearly ineffective therapy, we discovered that I had a herniated disc in my neck. Oh, and also that I was pregnant!
I have never been a mother without daily physical pain. At times, it is almost minimal. There have been weeks when it was quite limiting to my daily activities.
Here is the choice - blame my circumstances for something that may never get better and allow that pain to rule me, every single day...
Or find a way to wake up each morning and believe that this problem is really an opportunity.
 For example, not being able to be a runner anymore has turned me into a "walker". I ask you, what could be better than walking by the lake with my family on a Friday morning?
By the way, injury not withstanding, I did follow my Herbalife nutrition program from that day forward and lose 10 pounds before getting pregnant, and 42 pounds after Little Man was born. Without any running...
Now you may not be injured, but if you are reading this post, we probably do share another "problem". While we love being mothers and are devoted to our families, perhaps we tend to feel isolated? I know that when the novelty and mind-numbing fatigue of having a newborn wore off, I realized that it was going to take alot of work to remain connected to the world. It's tempting to believe that the only way we can handle the
pressure is to actually get a job so that we can have a break!
We could call it a problem. I'm going to choose to call this our very exciting opportunity!
What if we turned being isolated into a powerful connection? We are linked by the fact that we can't get out much!
This is why the movement of moms is so meaningful to me - because our problem is bound to have the potential for amazing progress!
What are you going to do about this problem?
May I suggest - make a healthy active lifestyle choice every day, tag it on Instagram #movementofmoms, and celebrate the connectivity! (Is that a word?)
My first healthy active lifestyle choice every day is my Formula 1 meal replacement shake.
What's yours?
Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.

Monday, July 21, 2014

We're gonna start a revolution!

How does one begin?
Have you seen the Fiat commercial that sets itself in a Revolutionary War village and has a man ride through town yelling that the Italians are coming? Aside from my nerdy sense of humor that loves any clever play on history, there's something in the video that sticks with me. Check it out on YouTube if you can... And notice the music: "We're gonna start a revolution!"
And yes, if you find it and listen you will then be singing the catchy tune for hours as I have been... You're welcome.
Regardless, the idea of a revolution captures my passion.
Before I was a full-time stay at home mom, I worked as an RN. Long days, long nights, bringing dignity and compassion to people's tragedies and grief. When I arrived at the hospital I could only be confident that I would be greeted by mayhem and be responsible to subdue said mayhem for 12 hours. I was often terrified. But what a rush! Wow, to walk into a patient's room and bring hope, order, clarity, and safety. To simply have a big, big list and check everything off by end of shift! To be able to give the next nurse "shift report" and actually tell someone else how much I was able to accomplish! To create new and valuable relationships every day...
And now I'm home.
It's what I dearly wanted, every day at the hospital, even when being a nurse was its most rewarding.
What I didn't imagine was the challenge of having nearly everything I do in a day be undone by bedtime... The immense joy and equally burdensome responsibility of being a toddler's primary companion and shaping his framework for understanding the world...
How does one begin, indeed...
After Little Man's first year, we felt like we had found our rhythm. For 12 months, I prayed, listened, read, learned, and created with my husband a philosophy of parenting to guide us for the years to come...

Now Little Man is 17 months old, and it has become my firm conviction that one of my most  important priorities is to stay relevant to the world around me. Please note, I said "relevant". Not "hip", not "cool" (good thing, because I was never cool...ever...). As defined by Merriam-Webster online, relevant means "having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand". In other words, choosing to be valuable to your situation.
As moms, we give so much to our munchkins that we often overlook the higher calling of enhancing thier lives. They will grow up in the world around us - is it not in everyone's best interest, then, to be a blessing and force for change in that world?
I'm a stay at home mom, yes, but not a stuck at home mom!
Everyone gets to choose her niche, the slice of culture for which she has passion to invest. I cannot imagine a movement I could love more than the healthy active lifestyle momentum building in our country. Of course, as a follower of Christ my first love is my Savior and my highest calling is to live as a child of the King. In these two, I happily see no conflict. There is nothing inherently godly about eating healthy and being active - but I know the clarity that I experience when I can have my healthy Formula 1 shake and Herbalife Tea. It's simple - I can focus better when I read and pray if I don't feel sluggish.
I know that this is what I will do, for as long as God permits. To promote a healthy active lifestyle, this is my passion. But it's more than that - to offer that lifestyle to other moms, that's what really gets me fired up.
Challenge: we ARE moms (whether at home full-time or not) and are BUSY, with more logistics every day than we can manage. How can we possibly create a community atmosphere to participate in healthy activities, or sit down to enjoy a shake and tea together, when we literally can't even find both of our sneakers because Little One has discovered that he can hide things in trash cans?!
Solution: we will create a virtual movement, an online community that truly promotes the healthy active lifestyle for moms! I will share my own daily struggles and triumphs on my journey, and would be thrilled to hear yours. Let's get even more amibitious - follow me on Instagram, @happyfitnessmama, and search #movementofmoms for photos of our healthy active lifestyle moments...
What could possibly give me the long term interest or energy for something this ambitious? I am fueled by Herbalife. It's simple, I get fabulous nutrition, lost 42 pounds which gave my body incredible results, and I can still enjoy yummy food in controlled portions. I have the energy to exercise (when I have the discipline to make time and do it!). And by helping other people get their own results, I have the freedom to BE at home and be that primary relationship for my son. Like I said, it's simple.
We're gonna start a revolution, I really believe it. What if every mom you knew could have the confidence, nutrition, and skills to make just one new healthy active lifestyle decision every day? Can you imagine what that would do to our communities? To our schools? To the world we will give to our children?
Join the movement of moms.
Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.