Some evenings it just hits me.
I have been given one of the most amazing privileges anyone can receive:
Training in wisdom.
I've heard it said, "Aging is mandatory. Maturing is optional."
We must choose, as moms, to continue to become better. Otherwise, we just get older, and we all know that aging does little in itself to improve our lives...
Tonight my inspiration doesn't come from a mom.
It comes from a man;
A man who has given more moms the opportunity to become better than almost anyone I know.
Thank you, Uncle Denny, for believing that I could grow;
Thank you for speaking words of wisdom which capture what the
movement of moms is really doing!
As part of Team Herbalife, this mama gets to "attend" world class trainings on the phone,
Here's a glimpse of what I learned this evening, along with what it means for our movment.
1. Be yourself - no one else is you, and you have something
valid, unique, even critical to offer others.
I'm grateful for what 2 other moms in the movement taught me this week via Instagram: Amazon Instant Video has workouts (wow!), and kids can choose radishes (bigger wow!).
If those 2 special moms had only done things the way I do, I wouldn't know either of those helpful tidbits. Small example, but you get the idea.
2. Do your best - You know that feeling of supreme satisfaction (and perhaps exhaustion) when you get in bed after having really, I mean really cleaned the house?
Did you know that you can have that same feeling from just making one healthy decision daily for a week? (It's also less exhausting, by the way!)
I'm not saying that you have to train for a marathon by next Tuesday, or give up all candy, etc...
Just one decision daily.
As a mom, add "one healthy decision" to the top of your daily priority list. (Ahhh, the list!)
Do your best.
3. Don't compare! This gets all of us. We live in a Pinterest world. We see the fantastic ideas other moms have, the amazing projects they are creating, and we think, "I would be such a great mom if I could just figure out how to live like SHE does!"
Let's make the movement of moms DIFFERENT!
Instead of comparing, lets collaborate!
When you see a #movementofmoms, get excited that another mom, who you may not even know, just invited you to celebrate a moment of victory.
She's not flashing her "awesomeness" in front of you to say, "I'm great!"
Every photo is a chance to declare, "We're great!" We're moms, and we love it, and we are in the trenches together, in social media spirit if not in body!
4. Choose the right friends. This is one of the primary motivators for the movment of moms. We all know how easy it is to fill our minds with excuses, and then to find the other negative voices out there to affirm our sub-par standards. I'm guilty of it, too.
But what if we each posted one photo tomorrow of a healthy active lifestyle decision with the #movementofmoms. Can you imagine how motivating it would be on Wednesday morning to wake up, search our tag, and see over 100 photos of other moms supporting each one of us?!
YOU are my right friends! I have chosen. Thank you!
5. Invest your life - Remember, other lives are the only thing that will really outlast you. And your most significant impact, of course, will be on those little lives given to your care.
Investing suggests putting a commodity into something that is intended to make that commodity grow over a period of time. (I'm no business wiz - for you business gals, is that about right?)
If so, then your life, moms, is a commodity. You are like gold. If you invest yourself into those little people, will the value of your life increase over time?
You can only answer "Yes" if you are actually living a valuable life right now.
So choose value.
Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, document your own healthy active moments of value and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can collaborate!
Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position with a downline is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.
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