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Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Paradox

"Something (such as a situation) that is made up of 2 opposite things and that seems impossible but is actually true or possible."
Who knew that such a pleasant family evening could spark a discussion with such deep and far reaching implications?
Don't worry, it's a happy story!
While driving home, I was discussing with The Hubs that we experienced a striking change of pace in our conversation while at the park.
It's simple, really, but seemed profound enough to wonder whether any of you have felt the same way.
Normally, I'm the over enthusiastic cheerleader in our life, and The Hubs is always having to help me be a bit more realistic. I've spent 5 years believing this simple misconception: "He just really needs to see more of my excitement, and then he won't have to worry for me anymore!"
The more I cheered, the more he felt the need to temper my excitement.
When I made a decision to stop cheerleading and simply start doing, it was actually the reality of hard work and my cautious attitude which gave him the freedom to imagine great things!
As we enjoyed this observation on our way home from the park, it triggered thoughts of where else this paradox might apply.
We all know (have been, at times?!) the wife who gets so frustrated by her husband because, well, he just won't make the decision we want him to!
We tried nagging, but to no avail. We thought we'd soften it up, and just try "suggesting". Even worse. But did we ever try just cheerfully doing what has been assigned to us, praising him for the things about him that bless us, and let him carry the burden of responsibility in his own way?
As women, our lives are full of paradox. Perhaps it's with our men.
Perhaps it's even more intimate, and part of our own bodies.
Not long ago, I experienced a miscarriage after 13 weeks of pregnancy. I knew, after an ultrasound, that my baby was gone and only pregnancy tissue remained in my womb. I was fully alive. But in me, there had been death. Yet I had to keep living. How does one reconcile that kind of grief, two opposite things that seem impossible but are actually painfully true?
Really, it's the same principle. Some things you must simply acknowledge as beautifully reconciled, even if you don't understand it.
My body was designed to redeem death by delivering a new life to heaven, and my husband was designed to lead if I would only follow.
So you see, healthy active moms have real struggles. Making the decision to seek community, fuel ourselves with good nutrition, and get active doesn't shield us from grief or pain.
But perhaps it will help us make sense of paradoxes.
Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, document your own healthy active lifestyle choices and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can learn together!
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