When Little Man was a baby, I wrote down the following thoughts. For anyone who has battled chronic pain, I hope that this can be an encouragement. Yes, we live a healthy active lifestyle. Herbalife nutrition has made many more things possible than at the time I wrote this. But pain still persists.
And so does God's faithfulness.
"I saw a secret photo, a snapshot of my day. Some of it made me so happy; my son was smiling. Grinning, really. It's as if he knew just what I needed. A sign, some reassurance that he doesn't resent me. You see, he was in his crib. Two and a half hours earlier I wondered whether he might ever forgive me for making him go to sleep. But this was different. Naptime had just ended; that means it was just about time to eat. Then play... Maybe he could sense that some sort of yummy, creamy goodness was soon to fill his tummy. Soon the boyish belching would begin, freeing his airway of the bubbles he swallowed during lunch. He had rolled over from his back during his nap, almost in gleeful anticipation of the fun that was to come later when he would be placed on his playmat and blissfully curl, stretch, wriggle, and giggle to his heart's content.
Yes, what was in the picture thrilled me. Even what was missing made me smile. Daddy studying in the other room so that he could be ready to teach Bible study. Mommy boiling potatoes for dinner. All of the little things that make a single day valuable in the span of a person's life. And all of these things made me love this photo. Anyone could look at that scene and imagine the happiness. "What a picture perfect life," some might comment.
Some things can't be captured in a single moment, though. How can a compilation of pixels ever reveal the life being lived in that room? No one looking over my shoulder at my son's happy face could know that I won't be able to pick him up without pain. Maybe ever again. How will I stay strong enough to take care of him when I can't do pushups anymore? It might sound trivial, a mom worrying about not being able to exercise. After all, life is so much more than fitness, right? But when I have burning sensations down the length of both arms just from cleaning our bathroom mirrors, can I really be a fit mommy for my Little Man? What will I do when he comes running to jump into my arms and my hands won't stop tingling? If I can barely lift a gallon of milk on my bad days, my son might be forced to wonder why mommy doesn't hold him.
This is when I have to start listening to truth. If I can't quite pull together anything reassuring from my own mind, I must remember what others have said. Doesn't my husband believe that our little guy could never have a better mommy? Haven't I seen other mommies struggle with conditions so much more severe and still live a victorious life? And on the mornings when the help of no mere person can make a difference, I remember the words of the Truth, the Man who is God. I may feel like there is no help to be had, "But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
I look away from the photo, down to the blanket where he plays. There it is again - the reminder that lights up his face and my heart. Surely His mercies never cease, they are new every morning. 'No,' the smile says, 'you will never feel up to this task. But Jesus is, Mommy. So come play.' And as I hold my son, I thank God that His arms are big enough for the both of us."
Join the movement of moms. No pretenses. Not perfection, but a belief that we can get better every day.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, share photos of your healthy active decisions, and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can stay encouraged!
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Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position with a downline is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.
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