If you are a mom, then you already understand exactly what I mean by the title of this post.
Yes, I'm an aspiring healthy, active mom. But there are mornings when I just keep myself going with the mantra, "Four hours til naptime!"
And then when I literally step in poop before I've even been able to have
my Formula 1 shake or Herbalife tea to fortify myself,
it just adds a sense of desperation to the day.
Actually, this morning began with the happy realization that I had slept in an hour later than normal and Little Man didn't seem bothered by it!
Greatly refreshed, I headed to his room without pausing to put on my glasses. First mistake.
Also no slippers. Most tragic mistake.
Outside of his door I did hear his typical morning jabbering, nothing to indicate that I should be on the lookout for trouble.
Upon entering his bedroom, I noticed the typical morning aromas... Drool, potty, and an odd whiff of stinky blueberries reminding me of what Little Man had eaten with dinner last night.
And then, the squish.
The startling realization that he was not wearing the diaper we certainly put on him last night.
The squinting gaze to check if that was really...
Yes, yes it was.
Poop, deposited neatly on his blanket.
His diaper, on the other side of the crib.
More poop, all over his hands. His feet. My feet. His sheet.
Smeared on his face.
And all smelling slightly of blueberries!
But I'm a mom, I can handle this!
"No problem, I'll just pick up him, wipe him down a little, throw him in the bath and the bedding in the washing machine.
Oh, let me get the diaper out of there. Perfect, no poop on the diaper!"
True, there was no poop in the diaper, but Little Man had deftly turned said diaper inside out, and I had just grabbed the potty filled inside of a diaper.
Needless to say, nap time came just a little earlier today.
So you see, healthy active mommies have poopy mornings like everyone else.
I recover with a prayer, a laugh, a shake and Herbalife tea.
What's your recovery?
Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, document your own healthy active recovery moments and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can learn together!
Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.
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