I'm sure that none of you are absent minded.
I'm sure you never blame anyone else for your forgetfulness.
Okay, actually, I'm pretty sure that if you are a mom, you are constantly trying to remember where the sippy cup is, where your shoes are, and even possibly where the bowl of oatmeal from this morning is!
(Funny thing, just now, when I typed in "sippy", it got one of those squiggly red lines underneath it... Apparently, Google spell check is not up to date on life with a toddler... That, or I really don't know how to spell "sippy" cup! Hmmmm....)
Anyway, to celebrate the fact that we are moms, and therefore we are often both a few steps ahead of ourselves and a few steps behind, I have chosen to share a story which epitomizes my current state of fog.
Don't be fooled. You see coconut oil, you see Herbalife, you think, "This is about the health benefits of coconut oil added to my morning shake..."
Tricked you. Yes I do like coconut oil in my shake but it just happened to be sitting there on the counter next to my shake when I took the picture. I didn't plan that, and this is not about health benefits.
That healthy, harmless Costco sized vat of oil will provide
my Hubs with teasing ammunition for months to come.
As you may know, coconut oil is liquid when the temperature gets somewhere around 75F, and is solid at cooler temperatures. I prefer it in its liquid state because I find it easier to manage.
So we always keep it in the cabinet right above the stove and blender.
Except that, recently, for 3 mornings in a row, I discovered it in our fridge. Hard and definitely difficult to scoop into my shake.
Each morning, I reminded myself that I needed to explain to Hubs (who does kitchen clean-up every night... I know, awesome, right?!)... Anyway, I needed to explain to Hubs that it wasn't going to spoil our oil for it to stay warm in the cabinet, so please stop putting it in the fridge...
And for 3 mornings in a row, I made my shake, scrambled Little Man's egg, and put the coconut oil back in its place.
Finally, after the third morning, I recollected to mention it to Hubs.
"You know, Babe, that coconut oil really doesn't need to go in the fridge. It's fine in the cabinet."
"Yes, I know."
"Well then why do you keep putting it in the fridge every night?"
"I don't. I've been meaning to ask you the same thing, actually."
"Wait, you mean... I've been putting it BACK in the fridge every day?"
Yes, I had. Every day, while figuring out a clever way to ask Hubs to stop doing something so annoying, I was actually walking back to the fridge and putting the oil right back on the shelf.
And that's just one story.
I'm sure you have one, too.
We would love to hear about your mom moments, even the less than brilliant ones!
Join the movement of moms, where we have nothing to prove.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, document your own amusing moments, and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can be encouraged that we are not alone!
Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position with a downline is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.
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