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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

In the cabinet

So if you have wondered how I decide what to post each evening, five evenings a week, here's my secret:
I write about whatever Little Man inspires with his antics throughout the day.
Take today, for example.
Not our easiest day.
One of those days that even my Herbalife Happy Tea can't reset.
Twelve grueling hours putting it right in my face that I find my sense of personal worth 
in how an 18 month old handles his emotions in public.
Absurd. Who would wrap up her entire identity in the self control of a toddler?!?!
You laugh. But I bet you do it too...
And I laugh, because even writing it down helps me remember that it's a choice I make every minute of these long days, which means that it's a choice that I can stop making.
What really made me chuckle, though, is that Little Man totally stole my idea for how to handle our evening.
This is how I caught him when I turned around while prepping 
a new seasoning recipe for tonight's dinner of freshly caught trout...
 He hid in the cabinet.
I promise that I didn't put him in there! And that terrified look on his face is because I caught him in the act, not because he's afraid of getting stuck in the cabinet. He actually loves being in the cabinet. 
He insisted on closing the door himself, hence the picture with that blur of white in the top right.
His fingers.
Don't worry, I helped him get out of the cabinet.
And I didn't go hide, either.
Hubs came home. We ate trout. We took a walk. Little Man got a bath, and squirmed and wriggled his way through a full body application of Elimite lotion (another long story...).
We sang. We prayed. We kissed him goodnight.
Little Man is officially in bed. The door is closed. In 11 hours, we will start another day.
But for right now, I get to refocus. 
I get to remember that my emotions don't have to mimic the various levels of childishness being played out by my side in the ongoing drama of our day.
So, as you can see, I don't often lack ideas when wondering what to say to you each evening.
Little Man keeps me, shall we say, inspired.
Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, share photos of your inspirational little ones, and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can have another reason to smile!
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Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position with a downline is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.

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