I remember the first time that I heard the phrase "dysfunctional family".
I was in highschool and a friend was saying that his family was making some important decisions
about their business so that they could have more time together...
The word scared me.
But I knew that my family was "healthy", and didn't give it much more thought.
Perhaps you didn't have that comfort growing up. I still firmly believe you can choose to break the cycle.
As a mother, now, I have been considering the difference between the two labels.
My conclusion-
I think the most significant distinction between dysfunctional and healthy families can be stated in one word:
Repentance is the act of acknowledging wrong, putting off, and putting on.
One has to be willing to admit that she has done something selfish, hurtful, prideful, etc...
Basically, she has to take responsibility for her behavior.
Then there is the choice to stop saying those mean things, or demanding unrealistic achievements, etc.
Finally, she must start actually saying kind things,
working together to set goals that her child wants to pursue...
working together to set goals that her child wants to pursue...
But it won't be perfect.
That cycle will be repeated over and over again.
Not every word spoken in my home was always kind, especially words coming from my own mouth.
My parents and I didn't always agree.
They aren't perfect people.
But healthy families don't need perfect people.
They need repentant people.
I think this may be one of the most comforting things that I can know.
What freedom to be released from the pressure we tend to create, the idea that
"I put my kid in therapy"
because I wasn't a perfect mother.
No one is perfect, and your little ones don't need you to be!
They need to have the process of dealing with imperfection modeled for them by you,
their imperfect mother.
That is why now, twenty-seven years later, I am still grateful to have my parents over to play with Little Man.
Because they weren't perfect. And they didn't expect me to be, either.
They still aren't, and don't...
But we each make a decision every day to seek forgiveness, put off, and put on.
And now a new generation gets to grow up in our imperfect, healthy family.
Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, document your family moments, and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can connect healthily happenin' families!
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