As I walked through my dining room and felt some of yesterday's dinner kale crunch under my toes,
it occurred to me to be grateful; it was there on the floor not because my toddler had thrown it,
but because he likes it so much that he had been stuffing such large handfuls into his mouth that it spilled over onto the carpet.
Any vegetable that a toddler can enjoy that much is worth a blog post at least...
1- 16oz bag of fresh chopped kale
2-4 tbsp olive oil, depending on how careful you are about calories (I'm not terribly)
Your favorite seasoning, I use a Smokey South African blend, or nutritional yeast and salt
Prepare a large baking pan with a sheet of aluminum foil to save yourself some frustrating cleaning, later.

Preheat the oven to 400 F. Spread the kale evenly over the pan, it will be very thick but will shrink down as it cooks. Toss with oil and seasonings to evenly coat all of the kale pieces.

Place the pan on the middle rack in the oven. Set timer for 6 minutes. At that point, use a spatula to turn some of the pieces and redistribute the kale evenly over the pan.

Check the kale after another 5 minutes. You are looking for most of the pieces to have browned edges. Some will be mostly brown and some mostly green still, the goal is for the bulk of the kale to be crispy.
I made only half a bag, so you can anticipate a full bowl for your efforts with the entirety.
Our family of 3 will go through an entire bag in one sitting. I warn you, it leaves little pieces in your teeth. And if you have a toddler whom you whisk to the bath after dinner because he is so messy, you may also find tiny pieces of veggie all over the tub.
And here's a photo of Little Man's dreamy gaze. Just because...

Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama,
share photos of your veggie experiments, and tag them #movementofmoms
so that we can enjoy with you!
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