It feels good to be back.
Two and a half months is a very long time to stop doing something,
especially with no warning and no explanation provided to one's readers...
There is a much longer story than what I will offer on this page,
but suffice it to say-
From October 1st until now, it has been more important in our life
for me to be a wife and mother than to write about it.
Having taken a sabbatical of sorts from blogging,
I was able to do a bit of soul searching.
One might say I did some "heart housekeeping".
Happily, I have discovered that I truly enjoy writing, and missed it quite a lot.
it made it simpler to identify which things must be priorities in my little world.
I am a child of God, redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ my Savior, so I hope that His work in my heart is reflected in each of my pursuits, and my identity settled in Him.
Through that filter, I see that I am not a terribly complex person.
I have fits of "project madness", and seasons of insatiable thirst for biographies and historical novels...
I wish I gave more time and focus to personal exercise.
Being a health coach has provided a fulfilling outlet to the nurse in me who no longer works in a medical capacity.
I'd like to write a children's story or three, a teen crime novel, and a non-fiction book about
biblically motivated romance.
biblically motivated romance.
My husband has inspired me to try my hand at "vlogging" so that I can smile at people all over the internet.
Coming soon...
As I take a few moments away from the
Christmas-time bustle,
Christmas-time bustle,
I write to tell you of one of the ways I am trying to pull several of my passions into one grand scheme.
Nearly every mother I know will comfort herself during this incredibly busy, fattening, tiring month with the thought of finding a life-changing, health inducing, overall inspiring routine in January.
Some will plan to lose the 5 pounds gained from parties and candy canes, others will resolve that the combined baby weight of four pregnancies finally needs to go...
For those more comfortable at their current weight, a plan to walk regularly, make the bed every morning, have family dinner more nights a week, or get organized for tax season may be more on the agenda.
Fitness minded mothers (and others) may decide that this is the year to master the
"pull-up", run a marathon, or take a spin class.
"pull-up", run a marathon, or take a spin class.
I don't know what your goal is, but knowing that you have one has inspired the
"For Real Resolution" Challenge beginning January 1, 2015.
"For Real Resolution" Challenge beginning January 1, 2015.
Most mothers are far too busy (with frequently interrupted attempts at social lives) to find a way to meet once a week with a group, or predictably attend a conference call.
While this challenge is NOT limited to moms, it has been designed to be as accessible as possible for those busiest ladies I know... All are welcome, men and women both...
So this is how the challenge will work, from January 1 to February 25 (8 weeks):
1. Email me at so that I can send you a link to our Challenge's website, where you will register your details.
2. Choose your goal- weight loss, muscle tone, better skin, increased strength, higher energy, healthier hair, etc...
3. Send the $20 registration fee, all money used for winners' cash prizes! 1st 5 to register get 50% off registration fee!! Get 2 friends to register and your fee is WAIVED! Get 5 friends to register and you get not only Free registration, but a complimentary Herbalife Mint Clay Mask! (Remember, they don't have to want to lose weight. They could just want some help increasing their energy!)
3. Take a picture of yourself and write a description of you currently as it relates to your goal, sending both to me
4. You and I will discuss specifics about a complete, personalized meal plan.
5. If you choose to use an Herbalife nutrition program (recommended but not required), order from me via phone/email/text before 12/31 for significant discounts.
6. Sign in to the website weekly to update your stats. One out the eight weeks you are permitted an "absence" (i.e. oops I forgot to check in), but any other absence results in a $5 absence fee, which goes into the prize "pot".
7. Daily, 6 out of 7 days a week, choose from the provided list of workouts. Don't worry, most are limited to 10 minutes a piece.
8. We will have a group Google doc to for you to "check-off" that you did your workouts and followed your meal plans, to be updated by you weekly. (I promise, this will take almost NO skill with computers and I will talk you through it if needed)
9. Optional call will be held Thursdays at 8pm PST. If you can make it, wonderful. If that doesn't work, you will check in with me by call/text/email once a week SO THAT you can get as much or as little support/accountability as you personally require to meet your goal. If you would like to be keeping a food log, we will discuss it and make changes as necessary.
10. February 25 you will be finished!!!!!!!!!!! Take a new picture, write a new description as related to your goal, and send to me. A panel of unbiased judges will review each participant's "before and after" and select 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd place winners!!!!
Whew - lots of details, but this way most of your immediate questions
are hopefully answered.
are hopefully answered.
This is for EVERYONE. Please please please invite all of your friends to join us, the bigger the group, the more fun the competition and inspiration.
I'm so very excited. I have my own goals, too, and look forward to the accountability. (No, I will not be in the running for the cash prize...)
I will post a bit weekly to let ya'll know how it's coming during the challenge, perhaps a participant "quote of the week", etc..
This is something I can get really excited about... Something to bring the soothing balm of routine "soon to come" into the happy chaos of December.
How 'bout you?
How 'bout you?
Join the movement of moms.
Follow me on Instagram @happyfitnessmama, share photos of your holiday moments, and tag them #movementofmoms so that we can remember we aren't alone!
Oh - and if you like this post, then go ahead and click on of the icons below to share it!
Disclaimer - Research shows that those people having a Formula 1 meal replacement shake twice daily as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan can reasonably expect to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. And the average annual compensation provided by Herbalife to its distributors at the Supervisor position with a downline is approximately $5,800. I have chosen to consistently follow my Herbalife nutrition plan and work hard at running my business, which is the reason for my personal results.